Welcome to

River Rock Church


We envision River Rock Church as a community that practices Radical Love to welcome and introduce people to Jesus, that embodies Real Life together as we support each other into deeper relationships with Him, and that flourishes with our Roots in Christ to grow into impacting God’s world.



Join Us in Worship

Sundays online via Livestream or in-person at 10:00am.

Kids on the Rock for children ages birth – 5th grade during the service.

Questions? Contact the office at 616-874-0400 or connect@riverrockcommunity.com


Current Message Series
Sunday March 23:  Baggage:  “Worry” Matthew 6:25-34

Sunday March 23: Baggage: “Worry” Matthew 6:25-34

What you pay attention to, tends to drive you. In Matthew 6 Jesus invites us to worry less about the material world, and focus far more on the Kingdom of God. Not a theoretical reality, but a way of living that contrasts with much of the world we live in. Jesus reminds us that if our focus is on God’s Kingdom, His calling for us, His instructions for life, not the world’s, worry might take a backseat quickly.

Sunday March 30:  Baggage:  “Seriousness” Philippians 4:4-9

Sunday March 30: Baggage: “Seriousness” Philippians 4:4-9

I (Bill) grew up assuming that seriousness is deeply connected to Spiritual maturity. The slow ballad worship song was more meaningful that singing Happy Day, that bowing my head in quiet, somber prayer, must be more meaningful than celebrating what God is up to. And yet…..One of the things scripture names that should be core to our identity is joy. That of all people those who love and follow God have more to celebrate, more to praise about, more to be joyful about than any other people.