Welcome to

River Rock Church


We envision River Rock Church as a community that practices Radical Love to welcome and introduce people to Jesus, that embodies Real Life together as we support each other into deeper relationships with Him, and that flourishes with our Roots in Christ to grow into impacting God’s world.



Join Us

Worship with us Sundays online via Livestream or in-person at 10:00am.

Kids on the Rock for children ages birth – 5th grade during the service.

Questions? Contact the office at 616-874-0400 or connect@riverrockcommunity.com


Current Message Series
Sunday February2:  “Practice: Solitude (Encounter God)” 1 Kings 19:9-13

Sunday February2: “Practice: Solitude (Encounter God)” 1 Kings 19:9-13

Growing up, the idea of hearing from God sounded foreign. What did God sound like? How do you know? Do people really hear from God like you would from a trusted friend? Or even if you have a sense of what God sounds like, how does that line up with what scripture shows? In 1 Kings God has an encounter with a prophet, but the way, the place, and the circumstance is nothing like the prophet ever expected.

Sunday February 9:  “Trust In Him” Exodus 16

Sunday February 9: “Trust In Him” Exodus 16

The sermon is about God’s patience with Isreal, in teaching them to trust him. In seeing how God treats Isreal we can come to understand the patience that he has with us. How all that he does in our lives and in history is a testament to his trustworthiness.