Transformed to Discern, Romans 12:1-8

By Brittnay Stichter,  Scripture: Romans 12:1-8

This week we welcome guest speaker Brittany Stichter who will share the message “Transformed to Discern” based on Romans 12:1-8.

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Sunday December 22:  “What Child is This?  King of Kings”  Isaiah 9:2-7

Sunday December 22: “What Child is This? King of Kings” Isaiah 9:2-7

Our world has an awkward relationship with power and position. Most of us have experienced abuses of power and position being leveraged for less than Christ-like reasons. We often think of power as an over-and-against move, but scripture paints another picture of leader, power, and king. Jesus was to come and be the king of all kings, above and more powerful than all the
previous kings. Yet, he came with humility, seeking justice, and living a selfless life.

Sunday December 15:  “What Child is This?  Savior of the World” Isaiah 53:1-7

Sunday December 15: “What Child is This? Savior of the World” Isaiah 53:1-7

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Sunday December 8:  “What Child is This?  Light of the World”  Isaiah 60:1-5

Sunday December 8: “What Child is This? Light of the World” Isaiah 60:1-5

It is always the darkest just before dawn. The prophet Isaiah wrote to people who felt like the world they had known their whole lives was gone, and that it was gone because God left them. God went quiet, or at best, where was God? Isaiah then speaks of a light that will come and shine into the darkness. Not to remove all of the darkness, but to bring hope, to remind us all that God is still up to something, that God is at work even in the challenges.