Who Am I: You Are Adopted and Chosen

By Pastor Bill Flavin Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14

This week will continue the message series titled “Who Am I.” This series focuses on our identity in Christ. Who are we in Him? How can we live into our identity in our everyday lives?

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Sunday May 5:  “Secure in the Conquering Love of Christ”, Romans 8:31-39

Sunday May 5: “Secure in the Conquering Love of Christ”, Romans 8:31-39

Taking a break from the book of Nehemiah, the sermon will walk through how we are all looking for security, but how nothing in this world can provide us the security we long for. Sin has caused us to lose our security. God doesn’t leave us lost and searching, but rather offers us the love we long for in Christ. This is our ultimate security. Even though we can claim security in Christ, it is threatened by opposition. Yet, with the help of God’s Word, Spirit and Christian community, we’re able to remain secure in God’s love for us and share this with others. This is the greatest gift we’ve been given and the greatest gift we can share.

There is no Next Steps document this week.

Sunday April 28:  Nehemiah 2:11-20, “Make A Plan”

Sunday April 28: Nehemiah 2:11-20, “Make A Plan”

Often we have hopes and dreams in this world, but how intentional are we about pursuing them? Nehemiah is asked by the King, what can I do for you? And without any hesitation he shares a plan that God placed on his heart, and how it would all play out. Nehemiah shows a passion.

Sunday April 21:  Nehemiah 2:1-10, “Pray Boldly”

Sunday April 21: Nehemiah 2:1-10, “Pray Boldly”

Jesus tells us in Matthew that we should ask, seek and knock when it comes to prayer and connection with God. Nehemiah takes this to a new level. When asked what he wants and is praying about, he gives not only a bold response, but an answer that he has clearly been praying about and thinking through for some time.