Sunday May 21: Ephesians 4:1-6, “Unity is Hard Work (and it’s our job to do it?)”
By Pastor Bill Flavin

This week we continue our Ephesians series. Ephesians 4 comes back to the topic of Christian unity, and both a call and reminder that part of our call from Jesus is that others will know we follow him by the way we love one another.  One way that love is expressed is working hard at staying united in Christ, and working through things that try to divide us.

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Sunday September 8: Mark 3:13-19 “Who Jesus Calls”

Sunday September 8: Mark 3:13-19 “Who Jesus Calls”

This week Sunday we’ll be looking at who Jesus calls as his disciples. Upon first reading this passage it’s easy for us to focus on the type of people Jesus calls to see if we measure up. However, it seems the invitation for us is to look at the person and character of the one who calls. Jesus is the one who calls and knowing him invites us to see ourselves from his perspective. 

Sunday September 1: Philippians 4:2-13 “God Bless You and Keep You”

Sunday September 1: Philippians 4:2-13 “God Bless You and Keep You”

Now it’s our turn.  Having heard several examples of faith embodied, having set a foundation of Christ’s example, now Paul closes with a blessing for us as we live our faith out in this world.  He blesses us on the good days and bad, when things are going well, and when they are challenging. Since God is the one who empowers us, we can have hope of how the Spirit can walk with us through whatever life sends our way.

Sunday August 25: Philippians 3 “Faith Embodied”

Sunday August 25: Philippians 3 “Faith Embodied”

Phil 3 continues with more examples, now moving to the author of the book himself, Paul. Paul shares about his own life, including his own struggles, as a reminder that even for him, the author, this is not just a list of things. This is what his life’s passion and work is all about.  Faith is not something that we consider or think about, it is something that we embody.