Sunday August 6: “Hospitality Leading Into Outreach”, Luke 19:1-10
by Brian Ellis, Guest Speaker

This Sunday we will look at how the “love of stranger” is not only a biblical principle but essential to our call to share the gospel. Oftentimes we can view the work of outreach as the job of people with the gift of evangelism. But evangelism isn’t necessarily a gift, it’s a calling for every Christian.

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Sunday January 5:  “Find Your Why”  1 Peter 3:8-16

Sunday January 5: “Find Your Why” 1 Peter 3:8-16

Asking why is such a simple and complex question. It has the ability to cut to the core of things with one simple word. In 1 Peter, the question is why do we place our hope in Jesus? Bill will share a bit of his why in his walk with Jesus.

Sunday December 29:  “Getting Back To Normal”  Mark 4:35-41

Sunday December 29: “Getting Back To Normal” Mark 4:35-41

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