Sunday August 27: 2 Corinthians 5:16-18 “The Spirit Renews Us”
By Pastor Bill Flavin

Life can be challenging on some days, and feel like we are running on empty.  2 Corinthians promises that the Spirit helps us, and also renews and refreshes us in the midst of all that life sends our way.

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Sunday July 28:  Philippians 1:27-2:5, “In ALL Things”

Sunday July 28: Philippians 1:27-2:5, “In ALL Things”

Paul pivots to a sticky issue next: unity.  Paul desires to see the church in Philippi rally together to love and serve the community around them in the name of Jesus.  Paul reminds them that the source of that unity is found not in causes or topics, but in the love and grace that Jesus has extended to them, and they are not called to extend to others.

Sunday July 21:  Philippians 1:12-26 “We Get to Do This”

Sunday July 21: Philippians 1:12-26 “We Get to Do This”

In the second half of Philippians 1, Paul gives a brief update about his own life. He is in prison for sharing Jesus with non-Jewish people, and it is possible his punishment might be death. Yet he quickly pivots to another update: he is sharing Jesus with his guards, and those around him. Paul leans into this idea, that we get to follow Jesus. And that whatever life throws at us, we have the opportunity to live for Jesus.

Sunday July 14:  Philippians 1:1-11 “Faith is a Journey not a Destination”

Sunday July 14: Philippians 1:1-11 “Faith is a Journey not a Destination”

In much of our lives, we rush to finish projects, get a promotion, or reach the next something. That same mentality can leak into our faith if we are not careful. In Philippians 1 we are reminded that God is up to something in each of us, and that faith is a process of being formed by God, not a destination or project to reach.