Sunday December 17: What does it mean for the people of that day that Jesus Became Human? Isaiah 9:2-7 & Isaiah 42:1-4
By Bill Flavin, Lead Pastor

For many years the people of Israel prayed for a savior who would draw them back towards God, and restore their nation.  They studied prophecy about this coming savior so that they would be able to know when he comes, and celebrate his arrival.  And yet, Jesus comes into the world without notice, leads three years of ministry, mostly without notice from the very people studying so they would not miss him.

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Sunday April 21:  Nehemiah 2:1-10, “Pray Boldly”

Sunday April 21: Nehemiah 2:1-10, “Pray Boldly”

Jesus tells us in Matthew that we should ask, seek and knock when it comes to prayer and connection with God. Nehemiah takes this to a new level. When asked what he wants and is praying about, he gives not only a bold response, but an answer that he has clearly been praying about and thinking through for some time.

Sunday April 14:  Nehemiah 1, “The Heart of Prayer”

Sunday April 14: Nehemiah 1, “The Heart of Prayer”

Nehemiah hears an update from back in the old country that breaks his heart. He stops what he is doing to pray a bold and heartfelt prayer for his people and city.  He models a posture of following the Spirit’s prompting around prayer, and praying boldly.