Sunday March 10: “Rooted: Fasting” Matthew 6:16-18
By Bill Flavin, Lead Pastor

 Growing up I had a narrow picture of fasting: don’t eat food for some period, which as a student sounded challenging.  In Matthew 6 and all over scripture we get a rich picture of fasting as an opportunity to grow closer to God, to challenge the status quo in our lives, and dig deeper into prayer.

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Sunday September 1: Philippians 4:2-13 “God Bless You and Keep You”

Sunday September 1: Philippians 4:2-13 “God Bless You and Keep You”

Now it’s our turn.  Having heard several examples of faith embodied, having set a foundation of Christ’s example, now Paul closes with a blessing for us as we live our faith out in this world.  He blesses us on the good days and bad, when things are going well, and when they are challenging. Since God is the one who empowers us, we can have hope of how the Spirit can walk with us through whatever life sends our way.

Sunday August 25: Philippians 3 “Faith Embodied”

Sunday August 25: Philippians 3 “Faith Embodied”

Phil 3 continues with more examples, now moving to the author of the book himself, Paul. Paul shares about his own life, including his own struggles, as a reminder that even for him, the author, this is not just a list of things. This is what his life’s passion and work is all about.  Faith is not something that we consider or think about, it is something that we embody.

Sunday August 18:  Philippians 2:19-30 “Be Like Mike”

Sunday August 18: Philippians 2:19-30 “Be Like Mike”

Philippians is a personalized letter, to a specific church, and in these verses we get some of that feel. Paul names two known partners in ministry, Timothy and Epaphroditus. It could be easy to read past these verses, since, well, we don’t know either of these men like they did. But, this is more than a nod to partners in ministry. In light of the Christ hymn in verses 6-11, these are two examples of ways that the Christ centered life is lived out, and role models that the church is to look to.