Sunday April 14: Nehemiah 1, “The Heart of Prayer”
By Lead Pastor, Bill Flavin

Nehemiah hears an update from back in the old country that breaks his heart. He stops what he is doing to pray a bold and heartfelt prayer for his people and city.  He models a posture of following the Spirit’s prompting around prayer, and praying boldly.

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Sunday May 19:  Nehemiah 4, “Who Said This Was Hard?”

Sunday May 19: Nehemiah 4, “Who Said This Was Hard?”

After a few chapters of miraculous moves of God, Nehemiah and those in Jerusalem run into significant roadblocks. The people of Jerusalem model an approach to handling roadblocks and challenges, that is honest, prayerful, and laser focused on what God has asked of them.

Sunday May 12:  Nehemiah 3, “All In This Together”

Sunday May 12: Nehemiah 3, “All In This Together”

Nehemiah 3 is an interesting passage, sandwiched between chapters filled with actions, conflict and plot twists is a long list of names. In the 30+ verses filled with names, we get a reminder of God’s work through community. That in a world that can be focused on individuals, God’s work often occurs (and occurs best) through groups of people doing life together.

Sunday May 5:  “Secure in the Conquering Love of Christ”, Romans 8:31-39

Sunday May 5: “Secure in the Conquering Love of Christ”, Romans 8:31-39

Taking a break from the book of Nehemiah, the sermon will walk through how we are all looking for security, but how nothing in this world can provide us the security we long for. Sin has caused us to lose our security. God doesn’t leave us lost and searching, but rather offers us the love we long for in Christ. This is our ultimate security. Even though we can claim security in Christ, it is threatened by opposition. Yet, with the help of God’s Word, Spirit and Christian community, we’re able to remain secure in God’s love for us and share this with others. This is the greatest gift we’ve been given and the greatest gift we can share.

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