
Sunday February 9:  “Trust In Him” Exodus 16

Sunday February 9: “Trust In Him” Exodus 16

The sermon is about God’s patience with Isreal, in teaching them to trust him. In seeing how God treats Isreal we can come to understand the patience that he has with us. How all that he does in our lives and in history is a testament to his trustworthiness.

Sunday February2:  “Practice: Solitude (Encounter God)” 1 Kings 19:9-13

Sunday February2: “Practice: Solitude (Encounter God)” 1 Kings 19:9-13

Growing up, the idea of hearing from God sounded foreign. What did God sound like? How do you know? Do people really hear from God like you would from a trusted friend? Or even if you have a sense of what God sounds like, how does that line up with what scripture shows? In 1 Kings God has an encounter with a prophet, but the way, the place, and the circumstance is nothing like the prophet ever expected.

Sunday January12:  “Practice: Solitude (The Quiet Place)” Mark 1:29-39

Sunday January12: “Practice: Solitude (The Quiet Place)” Mark 1:29-39

Everyone is looking for you! This feels like a common refrain in most of our lives, whether it is said explicitly, or through phone notifications, or asks to join another team, take on another project, do another initiative. Yet, we see in Jesus’ life that he often takes time away from it all to be with God, to be quiet, to experience stillness. To go to a quiet place.

Sunday December 29:  “Getting Back To Normal”  Mark 4:35-41

Sunday December 29: “Getting Back To Normal” Mark 4:35-41

As the holiday season comes to an end, we prepare ourselves for the hurry of school, sports, and work getting back to “normal”. In this hurry we can lose a valuable sense of stillness and peace. Join us as we work through what it means to look to Christ for peace and how presence with him is our ultimate goal.

Sunday September 22: 2 Chronicles 7:11-16 “Creating a Movement of Prayer”

Sunday September 22: 2 Chronicles 7:11-16 “Creating a Movement of Prayer”

We have all had mountain top days and experiences. Weddings, births of babies, promotions at work, big performances. On those days it can be easy to believe that the world is good, and that God is with you. But what about on days when life is not going as expected or challenges arise. God has a conversation with King Solomon that helps remind us that God’s faithfulness, God showing up for us, is unchanging, even if the circumstances of our lives are ever changing.