At church we are called a covenant community, a community who thrives when its people look out for the well-being of one another. Romans 12 paints a picture of what this life in community, driven by the love of Christ, looks like; selfless, humble, passionate, grounded in Christ, and seeking the good of others in the community through active service and engagement.
Sunday September 3: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 “The Spirit Brings Freedom”
This might be a characteristic of the Spirit that we need the most to remind us about: freedom. We all have woundings, struggles, and addictions that we face, and scripture promises that the Spirit at work in us can provide a freedom that we are not able to find anywhere else.
Sunday August 27: 2 Corinthians 5:16-18 “The Spirit Renews Us”
Life can be challenging on some days, and feel like we are running on empty. 2 Corinthians promises that the Spirit helps us, and also renews and refreshes us in the midst of all that life sends our way.
Sunday August 20: Romans 15:1-13 “The Spirit Is Powerful”
Romans 15 gives a dynamic picture to remind us that the Spirit is not just a helper somewhere out there, but a powerful advocate, support, and strength for us and all that life sends at us.
Sunday August 13: Romans 8:22-30 “The Holy Spirit Intercedes For Us”
Intercession is not the most common word for us all to use, but means the idea of going between or on behalf of. One image of the Spirit in scripture is that the Spirit prays on our behalf, intercedes to God on our behalf.
Sunday August 6: “Hospitality Leading Into Outreach”, Luke 19:1-10
This Sunday we will look at how the “love of stranger” is not only a biblical principle but essential to our call to share the gospel. Oftentimes we can view the work of outreach as the job of people with the gift of evangelism. But evangelism isn’t necessarily a gift, it’s a calling for every Christian.
Sunday July 30: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Romans 5:1-5 “The Spirit Is At Work In Us”
One image we read is that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. What then does the Spirit at work in all of our lives concretely look like?
Sunday July 23: Galatians 5:23-26 “The Fruit Of The Spirit”
Scripture promises that the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives will make a marked impact in our lives. There will be evidence of God at work in us, in a way that marks our lives as uniquely driven by God.
Sunday July 16: Luke 24:45-49 “The Holy Spirit Illuminates”
A common question many have is how to best understand scripture, and what it means for our lives. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will help us to understand and apply scripture to our lives.
Sunday July 9: John 14:15-18 & 25-27 “The Holy Spirit Is Our Guide”
Jesus told his disciples before he left that he would send another who would help to guide the disciples in their work and ministry. He also reminds them that not everyone will get or see the Holy Spirit as they would in this world.
Sunday July 2: 2 Peter 1:5-11 “Love Is Not Enough”
Sunday we will focus on how the radical love of Jesus will transform our entire lives.
Sunday June 25: Acts 1:6-8, 2:1-13 “The Holy Spirit Is A Helper”
We are going to start our series where it all began, Pentecost. Jesus had promised a long awaited helper for the disciples (and us) who would fill them and guide them in his absence. We read that the Holy Spirit is a helper in the ministry that God has called us to in this world.
Sunday June 18: Ephesians 6:10-20 “The Struggle is Real”
This week we finish our Ephesians series. Life can throw a lot at us. Ephesians moves to conclude with instructions for how it is that our faith can ground us, and guide us with all life sends our way.
Sunday June 11: Ephesians 5:21-33 “Transformed Homes”
This week we continue our Ephesians series. The second half of Ephesians 5 looks to how our homes and families change in light of our faith in Jesus. This might be one of the most quoted passages in conversation about men and women’s roles, and what scripture has to say about how we live and support one another.
Sunday June 4: Ephesians 5:1-20 “Transformed Lives”
This week we continue our Ephesians series. What does a Christian look like? Ephesians 5 looks practically at how as Christians our lives should look different from our culture in some core ways. That our speech, our relationships, and our relationship with money fundamentally change when we meet Jesus.
Sunday May 28: Ephesians 4:7-16 “What’s Your Gift?”
This week we continue our Ephesians series. God has gifted all who believe in him with the Holy Spirit, which means…. The second part of Ephesians 4 encourages us that we have gifts and abilities given so that we can serve one another and the greater community.
Sunday May 21: Ephesians 4:1-6, “Unity is Hard Work (and it’s our job to do it?)”
This week we continue our Ephesians series. Ephesians 4 comes back to the topic of Christian unity, and both a call and reminder that part of our call from Jesus is that others will know we follow him by the way we love one another. One way that love is expressed is working hard at staying united in Christ, and working through things that try to divide us.
Sunday May 14: Ephesians 3:1-13, “A Third Way”
By Pastor Bill Flavin In the first part of our Ephesians series it sets the foundation for forgiveness in Christ, and the unity we find together because of what Jesus has done for us. This week, we lean into our call as the church to share, and to embody hope to the world.