
Reinventing Church: Acts 10:9-23

God’s call for us to love as Christ has loved us goes beyond people, places, traditions and comfort zones. In Acts 10, God challenges Peter’s assumptions about who and how God works in this world.

Reinventing Church: Acts 9:1-19

Saul was perhaps one of the least likely people for God to choose, to take the gospel to the gentiles, and yet, we read in this powerful conversion story of God changing his life, and sending this former persecutor of Christians to go preach the gospel.

Reinventing Church: Acts 8:26-40

In Acts 8 we follow Philip as God leads him to a road where he meets a man reading from the Old Testament. In this moment, he is invited to share his first hand experience of following Jesus, and the man’s life is forever changed.

Reinventing Church: Acts 6

This week we will be focused around giving generously. In Acts 6 we find that the early church is struggling with everyone trying to do everything, and so the position of deacon is created.

Reinventing Church: Acts 4

Do we fall into the trap of believing that what lies ahead in our lives is simply more of what we have already experienced. What if God is up to something new?