Women’s Ministry

The desire of Women’s Ministry at River Rock is to encourage one another to grow deeper in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ and to grow in community with other women.  We do this through discipleship, Bible study, connection events and relationships.

Women’s Bible Study:
We will meet on site at River Rock Church at 6:30pm. To sign up for our next study, contact Allyssa at allyssat@riverrockcommunity.com.

 The Gospel of John, Savoring the Peace of Jesus in a Chaotic World. We will meet together on Monday evenings at 6:30pm, beginning January 20 through April 14, every other Monday of the month. We are asking for a $10 donation to help cover the cost of books, but please don’t let that stop you from coming. If you need help with the cost, please contact Allyssa Thompson so that we can make sure you can join us. Invite other women to be part of this study!

For additional information on Women’s Ministry at River Rock, contact Allyssa Thompson at allyssat@riverrockcommunity.com.

Our Vision

We envision River Rock Church as a community that practices Radical Love to welcome and introduce people to Jesus, that embodies Real Life together as we support each other into deeper relationships with Him, and that flourishes with our Roots in Christ to grow into impacting God’s world.