This week we continue the message series “What is the Gospel.” The message title is “Broken and Free” with scripture focus of Romans 5:12-20.
Sunday, October 23: Jesus is the Way, John 14
This week we continue the message series “What is the Gospel.” The message title is “Broken and Free” with scripture focus of Romans 5:12-20.
Sunday, October 16: People Change, Romans 6:1-14
This week we continue the message series “What is the Gospel.” The message title is “Broken and Free” with scripture focus of Romans 5:12-20.
Sunday, October 9: Jesus is the Gatekeeper, John 10
This week we continue the message series “What is the Gospel.” The message title is “Broken and Free” with scripture focus of Romans 5:12-20.
Sunday, October 2: Broken and Free, Romans 5:12-20
This week we continue the message series “What is the Gospel.” The message title is “Broken and Free” with scripture focus of Romans 5:12-20.
Sunday, September 25: In God We Trust – Romans 5:1-12
This week we continue the message series “What is the Gospel.” The message title is “In God We Trust” with scripture from Romans 5:1-12.
Sunday, September 18: Guest Speaker, Dylan Harper
This week we will welcome guest speaker, Dylan Harper who will speak on Extinguishing Anxiety. Scripture will be from Phillipians 4:4-9.
Sunday, September 11: God Creates, Genesis 1
This week we will be starting a new message series called “What is the Gospel.” The first message in the series is “God Creates” from Genesis 1.
Sunday, September 4: Parable of the Persistent Widow
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Persistent Widow from Luke 18:2-8.
Sunday, August 28: Parable of the Workers in the Field
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Workers in the Field from Matthew 20:1-16
Sunday, August 21: Parable of the Rich Fool
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Rich Food from Luke 12:16-21.
Sunday, August 14: Parable of the Lost Coin and Sheep
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parables of the Lost Coin and Sheep from Luke 15:1-10.
Sunday, August 7: Parables: Luke 7:36-50
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on Luke 7:36-50 with guest speaker Brian Ellis.
Sunday, July 31: Parables: Parable of Wedding Banquet
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Wedding Banquet with the scripture of Matthew 22:1-14.
Sunday, July 24: Parables: Parable of Unmerciful Servant
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Unmerifcul Servant with the scripture of Matthew 18:21-15.
Sunday, July 17: Parables: Parable of the Sower Part 2
This week will continue the message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Sower (part two)with the scripture of Matthew 13:1-23.
Sunday, July 10: Parables: Parable of the Sower Part 1
This week will begin a new message series called “Parables” This Sunday we will focus on the Parable of the Sower with the scripture of Mark 4:1-20.
Sunday, July 3: Transformed and Transforming: Psalm 1
This week will continue the message series called “Transformed and Transforming.” As followers of Jesus we have already been transformed but continue transforming into His likeness.