In Matthew 25:31-46, we are told about the sheep and goats. What does it mean to be in the flock of Christ? What should the life of a sheep look like? Sunday we will look at the radical life of service we are called to and how that translates to our modern world.
Sunday March 31: Easter, Acts 10:34-48
Easter Sunday was a tide change event. Jesus’ death and resurrection forever changed our relationship with God. Part of the impact of it was also who’s relationship changed with God because of those events. Jesus’ ministry culminated in his death and resurrection, which was meant to be a gift and sacrifice to many people, and the hope of that message grounds us, and gives us both joy and hope even today.
Sunday March 24: Palm Sunday, Mark 11:1-11
On Palm Sunday, Jesus’ ministry moved into the limelight for many in Jerusalem that day. The traveling teacher who had impacted so many, was not center stage as crowds greeted him as many had gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. That day many in the crowd had a variety of expectations and hopes of what this traveling rabbi might mean for Jewish people going forward.
Sunday March 17: “Rooted: Disciple” Luke 14:25-35
Early in adulthood I learned a hard lesson. Every choice (even the ones that feel like we are refusing to make a choice) has consequences and impact. Jesus wants to remind his followers that being a disciple is a wonderful and impactful way to live, that leads us to the most fulfilling life we are designed to live. Following Jesus also comes with commands to live a life that is unlike others and calls us to a higher standard.
Sunday March 10: “Rooted: Fasting” Matthew 6:16-18
Growing up I had a narrow picture of fasting: don’t eat food for some period, which as a student sounded challenging. In Matthew 6 and all over scripture we get a rich picture of fasting as an opportunity to grow closer to God, to challenge the status quo in our lives, and dig deeper into prayer.
Sunday March 3: “Rooted: Prayer” Matthew 6:5-15
It feels like prayer and reading the bible are two of the most common things that we are told are important as Christians. Jesus lays out in Matthew 6 a picture of the heart and posture for prayer that we can model in our own lives.
Sunday February 25: I Love My Church “Rooted In Christ – God’s Word” Psalm 1
Churches often talk about the importance of reading the bible, which is good, and needed. In Psalm 1 though we hear about loving and meditating on God’s Word. That God’s Word would be interwoven throughout our lives, that what the bible says would leak into every aspect of our lives. That God’s Word would give us a foundation to lean on in all seasons of life and in all circumstances.
Sunday February 18: “Let Go And Hold On” Mark 10:17-31
The main focus is letting go of what we love (or think we love) in order to hold on to Jesus (or rather, find that he is holding onto us!).
Sunday February 11: I Love My Church “Radical Love” Luke 19:1-11
Jesus names it in the Sermon on Mount, loving people who love us is not hard. Yet we are not just called to love those who are like us, or who love us. We are called to bring God’s love to those who God places in our lives.
Sunday February 4: I Love My Church “Real Life ” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Helping someone be self-sufficient is a goal that parents aim for as their children age. We want our kids to be able to care for themselves and not need to lean on us for everything. Yet scripture makes clear that we are designed for relationship, for leaning on each other, for trusting and loving others.
Sunday December 3: Why does it matter that “Jesus Became Human?” John 1:1-14
John starts his gospel by telling us that the word became flesh and dwelt among us. Of all the ways Jesus could have entered into this world, it matters that Jesus became a human. His arrival tells us about his mission and purpose.
Sunday November 26: 1 John 5 “What You Were Made For”
As John closes out his first letter, he wants to drive home just a few things. First, loving connection to Jesus Christ is the foundation that everything else rests on. Second, overflowing from that relationship, we are called to be a blessing to the world in a way that overcomes the challenges, struggles and burdens that life sends our way.
Sunday November 19: 1 John 4:7-21 “Love Over Fear”
1 Corinthians 13 is often quoted at weddings and begins by simply saying love is….The second part of 1 John 4 has as much or more to say about what God means when we hear God is love, and that we are to love one another.
Sunday November 12: 1 John 4:1-6 “How To Make Sense Of It All”
Chapter 4 of 1 John begins by looking at how to discern different perspectives and opinions. How do you discern various people and teachings based on scripture and based on who God is.
Sunday November 5: 1 John 3:11-24 “Check your Heart”
As we continue to look at what life together as Christians looks like, we lean into the posture of our hearts. What we say, how we say it, and what is behind our actions can be just as important as what we say and do. Jesus describes it by saying the words of our mouth is the overflow of our hearts. What is overflowing from your heart?
Sunday October 29: 1 John 3:1-10 “Change is Hard”
Jesus says that all who believe in Him are a new creation. 1 John 3 wades into what new that Jesus is talking about in our lives. 1 John invites us into a life long process of growing in our faith and in the likeness of our lives to Christ.
Sunday October 22: 1 John 2:15-27 “Stay the Course”
Somedays life is just hard. The believers hearing 1 John were given a reminder that their faith in Jesus is meant to be a foundation that they can lean on, trust in, and stand on no matter what life sends their way. That learning about Jesus and growing in their faith is wonderful and central, but not to fall into a trap of thinking that their faith rests in their head, but instead rests in the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives.
Sunday October 15: 1 John 2:1-11 “Love is a Verb”
A central theme of 1 John is that faith and belief in Jesus must translate into actions, words, and more. It asks this question, “What is the life that Jesus would live if Jesus was living my life?”